Looking After healthy Babies...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Language Adquisition

The Thirteenth Month:
-Vocabulary of 3 - 4 words in addition to "mama"and "dada".
-Say "tata"for thank you.
-Gives toy on request or gesture.
-Looks in appropiate place when asked. "where is daddy? -ball,- kitty"etc?
-May use sounds to indicate specific objects that are understood by the parents.
-Responds to own name.
-Jabbers with expresions.
-Understands gestures.
-Obeys comand: "Give it to me"
-Attempts new words.
-Has begun to understand the name of people, objects, and animals that are important to him.
-Will listen for 3 minutes or so to rhymes and jingles.
-Comes when beckoned.
-Has learned to respond to speech by acts.
-Indicates wants other than by crying.

The Fourteenth Month:
-Likes rhymes and jingles.
-Indicates wants in some other way than by crying.
-Is putting all kinds of sounds together.
-Brings coat to indicate desire to be taken out.
-May bring parent a cd to have it played.
-Tries hard to make self understood.
-Amuses self with vocal play.
-Attempts to say any word he or she hears.
-Knows through words or signs names of objects she or he uses: chair, cup, teddy bear, kitty, doll etc.
-Knows names of family members.
-Speaking vocabulary of 3 - 5 words.
-Repeats sounds of words without indication of understanding the meaning.

The Fifteenth Month:-Speaking vocabulary of 4 - 6 words including names.
-May also say "there"and "bye-bye".
-Uses jargon and gestures.
-Says "ta-ta"or equivalent for thank you.
-Points to shoes or clothes on command.
-Vocalizes and gestures to indicate wants.
-Points to familliar persons, toys and animals on request.
-Follows simple commands: "Give me the ball", "Get the teddy bear"etc.
-Combines jargon and words in conversation.
-Asks for objects by pointing.
-Understands such directions as "no", "come", "show me", "look".
-Delights in dogs and often says "bow-wow".
-Recognizes names of major body parts.
-Identifies pictures of a few named objects or the objects themselves by pointing or vocalizing.
-Can respond to a few key words and phrases.
-Points to one named body part.

The Sixteenth Month:
-Uses 6 - 7 clear words.
-Brings a familiar object from another room upon request.
-Points and gestures to indicate desires and call attention to events.
-Responds to "Give me that"when accompanied by gestures.
Indicates wants assertively; will use one word to make want known; e.g "Üp".
-Combines 2 different words.
-Points to one named body part.
-Most toddlers at this age do no like having a whole story read to them; they prefer to pick out and point to pictures or listen to adult talk about pictures.
-Responds to verbal directions, but must still be managed mostly by actions.
-Interested in watching children's shows on tv, cartoons and singing commercials.

The Seventeenth Month:
-Long, babbled conversations with some clear words.
-Enjoys picture books.
-Points to one named body part.
-Says 6 words in addition to "Mama"and "dada".
-Ability to imitate words become more precise.
-Words used rather than gestures to express some wants and needs.
-Understands more words than able to say, but even this understanding is extremely limited.
-Combines 2 different words.
-Extensive vocalization and echoing.

The Eighteeth Month:
-Follows one step direction.
-Can point to own body part; hair, eyes, nose, mouth, on request.
-Asks for some wants by naming object; milk, cookie etc.
-Attempts to sign.
-Refers to self by name.
-Gets coat or hat and says "bye bye".
-Enjoys songs as öld Mc Donald had a farm".
-Imitates simple sounds on request.
-Identifies objects by pointing.
-Names or points to familiar pictures in a book.
-Speaking vocabulary of about 10 words, including names.
-Understands simple questions.
-Uses 2 word phrases, "telegraphic" versions of adult sentence (and, at, the, are lacking)
-Favorite words may be "all gone" "thank you" "bye bye" öh my" All of which register completions.
-May hum spontaneously.
-Is now on the threshold of speech.
-"No"is chief word.
-Chatters in imitation of conversation, verbally or nonverbally.
-Enjoys playing the question - and- answer game with parent.

The Nineteenth Month:
-Touches 3 or more body parts or items of clothing on command.
-Still much bubbling, but now of several syllabes with intricate entonations.
-Speaking vocabulary of more than 10 words but less than 50.
-A favourite game is attaching a name to a thing (labeling)
likes to be read to.
-Responds appropriately to requests for bodily action.
-Points to most pictures of familiar objects named by parents.
-Uses speech as a means of securing action from another person, usually the mother.
-Beginning to respond to speech by speech; the remark of another person evokes his or her spoken response.
-Combines 2 different words.
-Responds to "Where is your nose?" by correctly indicating nose; also to "Where are your eyes?".

The Twentieth Month:-Speaking vocabulary of 12, 15, or more words.
-Is learning to label actions or qualities: up when he or she wants to be picked up, or ON when she or he wants the light on.
-Enjoys hearing nursery rhymes.
-Attempts to talk in sentences, combines 2 different words.
-Points to several named body parts.
-Constantly asks "What is that?"is discovering that everything has a name.
-Is beginning to use rudimentary questioning as a substitute for physical, nonlinguistic behavior.
-Enjoys playing a simple lotto game with parent.

The Twenty First Month:-Speaking vocabulary of 20 or more words.
-Joins 2 words ("All gone"etc.)
-Uses word combinations.
-Echoes 2 or more last words.
-Names 3 pictures of common objects.
-Listens to short rhymes with interesting sounds, especially when they are accompanied by actions or pictures.
-Likes to have lilting rhymes sung.
-Enjoys tactile books.
-Needs supervision while looking at books because often tears them at this age.
-Spontaneous humming or singing of syllabes.
-Imitates 2 or 3 word sentence.
-Understands some personal pronouns; can distinguish "Give it to her", "Give it to him".
-Tries to follow directions.
-Can point to 5 body parts.

The Twenty Second Month:
-Can point to 5 body parts of self or doll.
-Asks for things at table by name.
-Enjoys listening to simple stories.
-Uses simple 1 or 2 words questions to secure the names of objects or persons in his or her enviroment.
-Combines 2 words in speech.
-In response to "where is your month?"correctly indicates either by pointing to or opening mouth.
-Is interested in sound and repetition (as in book, Ask Mr. Bear)
-Calls all women and men mommies and daddies.
-Echoes adults words and inflections.

The Twenty Third Month:
-Speaking vocabulary of 20 clear words.
-Ask for food when hungry and water when thirsty.
-Enjoys hearing rhymes in Mother Goose book, etc.
-Is substituting words for some physical acts.
-Knows 3 to 5 body parts.
-Understand more words than able to use.
-Has learned to form some sentences of 2 words, but still relies on gestures, facial expressions, and total body movement, as well as grunts, squeals, and shrieks for communication.
-Answer "What is your name"? "What does the doggy say?" "What does the kitty say?".
-Can name familiar objects; ball, car, chair, bed, baby etc.
-Increase in communicative behavior and interest in language.
-Discards jargon.

The Twenty Four Month:-Can name almost everything she or he has daily contact with at home or on walks.
-Can associate names with most familiar objects.
-Understand and ask for "another", "more".
-Shows and imitates names for hair, hands, feet, nose, eyes, mouth, shoes.
-Actively imitates words.
-Expressive vocabulary of 50 or more words.
- Listens to and enjoys simple stories.
-Responds to: "Show me a dog" "Show me a hat" etc.
-Names 3 or more pictures in a book.
-Echoes adult's words and inflections.
-Is beginning to discover that everything has a name.
-May be able to give first and last names.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sleeping pattern in babies

As a rule, an infant sleeps a lot, but as he gets older he will develop a sleeping pattern. Regularity in his sleeping as well as in his eating and playing habits is most important. The baby who is fed his meals at the same hours is more likely to fall asleep at the same time than the baby whose routine is interrupted for one reason or another.

Gradually baby will stay awake a little longer at each feeding, and soon will discover the joys of sociability. Usually babies have their own "play hour"late in the afternoon; then they will create another in the morning. At 6 months, they may sleep 12 hours at night, and 3 to 5 hours during the day. By the time he is a year old, the average baby takes two comparatively short naps during the day, and sleeps a good 12 hours at night.

It is important to realize that babies vary in the amount of sleep they need. Your baby may be an energetic, sociable type who gets along fine on much less sleep than a more placid, dreamy type of child.
During the first year do not be concerned about how much sleep your baby gets. If his sleeping conditions are good, he will take as much sleep as he needs. If however, he appears to be irritable when not getting much sleep, or on the other hand if he seems to be drowsy and sleepy most of the time, your doctor may suggest a change in his feeding or improvement in the stimulation being provided.

Never give the baby medicine to make him sleep. Provide him with good sleeping conditions including a comfortable room temperature of 21 - 22 C (69.8 - 71.6 F) especially for the first few weeks. As he becomes older, the room may be cooler, provided he is sleeping and well covered. Do not excite him before going to bed. If you hear him talking to himself and wiggling around after you put him down, do not worry; he has just decided to play a little longer, and will go to sleep in due time. One should avoid the tendency to allow an infant to get over stimulated and over fatigued, thereby exhausted before he gets a chance to go to sleep.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Toilet Habits in a baby

A baby may have 3 or 4 bowel movements a day. Some babies have only one movement every 2 or 3 days. It is not the frecuency or even the regularity that matters, it is the consistency of the stool. It should be yellow or brownish and soft. If the movement is hard, take steps to relieve constipation before the child becomes antagonistic to bowel movement. If baby is on formula your health consellor may suggest a change, specially in the kind and amount of sugar. Give him more water and, depending on his age, more vegetables and fruits, such as pureed cooked prunes. Do not become worried if you notice changes in the color and consistency of the stool when you start baby on solid foods. (When the baby starts to eat solid food there may be something call transitional poo -heces- the baby can stay without soil his diaper for over a week and this is normal, he doesn't feel anything, he is not fuzzy or anything, if it goes for more than 10 days or if he cries a lot you must take him to the doctor)

Concious bowel and bladder control is not well developed until far into the second or even the third year. It is impossible to "train" a child under one year in the use of the toilet. Trying to observe the baby's rhythm and putting him on the pot at the right time does not help the toilet training of the baby as much as training the mother to anticipate the movement. Effective training begins at a time when muscle and nerve control is being stablished, usually in the early months of the second year. At first a warmed potty is used, and later the toilet. Never leave him more than 5 minutes, and if, as often happens you take him off the toilet whereupon he promptly soils his diaper, do not make any fuss. Never show you are disappointed, but give praise if he succeds.

Bladder control is slow and may not come before the child is between 2 and 2 1/2, although many children continue to wet their beds at night for even longer.

To help in the formation of good toilet habits, parents should not "start" training a very young baby, and they should always attend to his bowel movement in a casual and friendly manner.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gross and fine motor development from 13 to 24 month

It is very important to recognize what a toodler should be doing at a certain age, like his of her motor skills month by month, so if there is something missing we must take the baby or toodler to an specialist and start an early intervention that can help him to achieve his goals in life. Like I wrote about the first 12 months now I'm going to explain a little about the second 12 months.

The thirteen month:
Gross motor:
-Stoops to pick up an object from floor while holding on with one hand.
-Climbs on a low ledge or step.
-Backs downs stairs and slides down from one step to the next.
-Dislikes all forms of restraint.
-Can stand alone without support for at least 5 seconds.
-Sits down from a free standing position.
-Moves to rhythms.
-Walks in a side-step pattern along furniture.

Fine motor:
-Can grasp 2 cubes in one hand.
-Uses index finger to point.
-Removes small objects from a cup.
-Drops toys and watches them fall.
-Builds tower of 2 cubes.
-Puts 3 or more cubes in cup.
-neat pincer grasp of raisin, using thumb and index finger.
-Pokes, bangs, pulls, turns and twists everything within reach.

The fourteen month;
Gross motor:
-Stands alone.
-Kneels on floor or chair.
-Crawls over low barrier.
-Creeps like a bear, hands and soles of both feet in contact with floor.
-Able to start and stop when walking, with equidistant alternation of feet.
-Stoops and recovers toys from floor.

Fine motor:
-Can pick up and hold 2 small objects in one hand (cubes, spools)
-Can hold 4 cubes in hands at one time.
-Piles 2-3 cubes.
-Voluntarily releases and goes after object.
-Reaches for object by smooth, continuous movement with no spatial error.

The fifteen month:
Gross Motor:
-Climbs upstairs on hands and knees.
-Sits on a small chairs for short periods.
-Walks a few steps sideways and backward.
-Picks up object from a standing position and flings it.
-Can climb on chairs, sofas, tables.
-May climb out of crib, high chair or stroller.
-Has discarted creeping.
-Is ceaselessly active- starting, stopping, starting again, climbing and clambering.
-Uses rapid "running-like"walk.
-Throws ball standing or sitting: extends arm at elbow joint.

Fine Motor:
-Puts a pullet in a bottle and then pours it out.
-Can open a small, hinged box.
-Tries to turn doorknob.
-Wants to hold and carry something in aech hand.

The sixteen month:
Gross motor:
-Trots about well; rarely falls.
-Can walk sideways (does so while pulling a pull toy)
-Hurls ball without falling.
-Tries to take steps on a walking board.
-Climbs and descends stairs with help.
-Attempts to kick a ball, but steps on the ball instead.
-Stands on right foot with help.
-Activaly uses arms, legs, and all parts of the body.
-Tries to walk on tiptoe.
-Squats down smoothly.
-Seats self on a chair.
-Recovers standing position after stooping.

Fine motor:
-Builds tower of 2-3 cubes.
-Turns pages of a book a few at a time.
-Scribbles in imitation.
-Can put round block in formboard.
-puts beads in box.

The seventeeth month:
Gross motor:
-Stoops and recovers.
-Tries to stand on a walking board.
-Likes to lug, tug, and drag things.
-Phisically venturesome.
-Can walk upstairs with one hand held.
-Rejects baby carriage.
-Can stand on right or left foot, holding on.
-Constantly testing own strength -how big a box she or he can pick up or push, etc.

Fine motor:
-Builds tower of 3-4 cubes.
-Begins to show hand preference.
-Has difficulty in coordinating hands and feet.
-Hands not agile at wrists.

The eighteen month:
Gross motor:
-Onset of creeping backward downstairs.
-Picks up toy from floor without falling.
-Moves chairs to cabinet and tries to climb.
-Tries to climb out of crib.
-Walks fast; seldom falls.
-Can climb into adult chair and seat self by turning around.
-Uses whole- arm movement in ball play.
-Walks with one foot on walking board.
-Jumps off floor with both feet.
-Walks into ball; not able yet to make definite kicking motion.

Fine motor:
-Dumps raisin from bottle spontaneously.
-Turns pages of a book, 2 or 3 at once.
-Shows hand preference.
-Builds a tower of 3-4 cubes.
-Scribbles a circular stroke.
-Turns knob of radio or tv.

The nineteen month:
Gross motor:
-Walks up and down stairs, with help.
-Squats from standing position tp pick objects up from floor.
-Walks with one foot on 2"wide walking board, one foot on and one foot off.
-Can pick large ball on ground without stepping on the ball.
-Climbs up onto everything.
-Likes to move to music.
-Runs without falling too frequently.
-Can stand on either foot, holding on.
-Pushes, pulls, throws, and carries objects while walking.
-Walks sideways without crossing feet.

Fine motor:
-Fully developed grasp, prehension, and release.
-Builds tower of 3-4 cubes.
-Holds 2 objects in one hand.
-Holds container with one hand, releases small object into container with one hand, and then dumps out.

The twentieth month:
Groos motor:
-Jumps forward.
-Walks up and down stairs, one hand held.
-Seats self on a small chair by sliding onto it.
-Hands from bar grasping with hands.
-Kicks ball forward.
-Picks up object from floor without falling.
-Pushes and pulls around floor large toys, boxes, etc.

Fine motor:
-Makes tower of 4-5 cubes.
-Can throw a small rubber ball.
-Fits related objects together appropriately by releasing, pressing, turning (ring onto pole, peg into hole, nestling etc.)
_Can put lid on oblong box.

The twenty-first month:
Gross motor:
-Walks up stairs, holding rail with both feet on one step.
-Walks down stairs, one hand held.
-Gets onto and down from adult chair unaided.
-Kicks large ball in forward direction.
-Squats in play.
-Walks with one foot on walking board.
-Stands on either foot, holding on.
-Loves to jump, run, throw, and climb.
-Rhythmic response to music with whole body.
-Throws ball overhand.
-Jumps in place.

Fine motor:
-Makes tower of 5-6 cubes.
-Can fold a piece of paper once imitatively.
-Uses one hand more than the other.

The twenty-second month:
Gross motor:
-Experiments with various kinds of large-muscle activities involving thrust or acceleration.
-Jumps with both feet off the bottom step or staircase.
-Goes quite easily from standing to running.
-Walks up stairs and down stairs, holding on, both feet on each step.
-Pedals small tricycle.
-Pushes and pulls large toys, boxes, etc. , around floor.
-Can quickly alternate between sitting and standing.
-Can kick a large ball without falling.

Fine motor:
-Builds tower of 6 or more cubes.
-Is beginning to learn to put pop-it beads together.
Can string several large beads.

The twenty-third month:
Gross Motor:
-Can seat self at table.
-Can throw a ball into a basket.
-Walks up and down stairs alone, both feet on one step at a time, holding onto railing.
-Bands at waist to pick up something off floor without falling.
-Tries to stand on tiptoe imitatively.
-Runs fairly well.
-Throws object overhand instead of tossing.
-Usually runs when moving from one place to another; runs rather than walks.
-Squats on floor.
-Jumps in place.
-Pedals small tricycle.
-Climbs out of crib.
-Stands on walking board with both feet.

Fine motor:
-Can make a train of 3 or more cubes.
-Strings beads together.
-A little more adept at joining pop-it beads together.
-Builds tower of 6 or more cubes.

The twenty-four month:
Gross Motor:
-Visually monitors walking, watching placement of feet in order to be able to deal with obstacles in path by avoiding them.
-Runs, but generally lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly.
-Jumps crudely with 2 foot takeoff.
-Walking rhythm stabilizes and becomes even.
-Goes up and down stairs alone without alternating feet.
-Can walk appoximately on line.
-Likes to walk on low walls with one hand held.
-Can walk a few steps on tiptoe.
-Can be trusted alone on stairs.
-Can walk backwards 10 feet.
-Can quickly alternate between sitting and standing.
-Tries to balance self on either foot, not yet succesfully.
-Is sturdy on feet; less likely to fall.
-Still geared to gross-motor activity.

Fine motor:
-Turns pages of a book, one at a time.
-Manipulates more freely with one hand; alternates from one hand to the other.
-Has fully developed right or left handedness.
-Increased smoothness of coordination in fine motor movements.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


The first of baby's primary teeth appear any time from 5 months to 10 months of age, although there are cases when thet appear as early as 4 months and as late as 12 months. The first to appear are usually the two lower front ones, followed by the two upper front teeth. To see the order of they show up, see the graphic below.
There are 20 primary teeth, all of which are generally through by about 2 1/2 years. Over the years they will be replaced by the permanent teeth.

The primary teeth have all began to form in the baby's jaw long before birth. The buds of permanent teeth have also began to form. To assist in the development of both, the baby's diet during his first year of life must be adecuate, containing essential mineral and vitaminis.
Normally a baby is not severely upset when he is teething though he may be a little irritable and not so interesting in food because his gum are sore. Symptoms as cough, fever or diarrhea are thought to be the result of teething but this not known to be the cause. Any baby who is still at this time should be seen by a member of the health care team.
When baby is about 5 months old you can give him a hard crust or a baby biscuit to chew on (not the sweet kind) He may also like to chew on a (safe) teething ring of hard rubber or plastic even if he has no teeth. This will help to harden his gums and exercise his jaw muscles. Watch that he does not chew any wood objects finished with paint containing lead.

Dental care:
Form the beginning care is needed to maintain good teeth; proper nutrition is important in their development. One of the causes of teeth decay is the formation of acids in the mouth by bacteria which act upon the sweet food substances lodged on the teeth. Even the first teeth should be cleaned after meals with a soft brush or cloth. Caries can develop in baby's teeth if he sucks at a bottle of sweetened liquid (including formula) for a long period of time, for example, as he falls to sleep. because of the very serious effects on baby's teeth, do not start him on the habit of sucking on sweetened liquids, as a bed time pacifier.
If you are living in an area where the community water supply is fluoridated, your child will have a good chance of having fewer teeth cavities.

Dental problems:
The decay of a primary tooth may result in its loss before the corresponding permanent tooth is ready to come through. When this happen, the tooth beside the gap move forward and the permanent tooth, when it comes, is crowded out of position, or even locked in the jaw. This is one of the reasons care should be taken of the primary teeth. In addition, this care aids in speech development, food chewing, appearence, and in the prevention of tooth decay and infection which cause pain and ill health.
A few babies are born with teeth present in the mouth. In some cases they are the primary teeth and require care as mentioned before, while others are known as super numeraries; your dentist can advise on the care and perhaps removal of these teeth.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What we give to eat to a baby or an infant can determine his mental and physical health, and this make me realize how important is to know some simple but nutricious recipes with we can feed our baby. First of all we need to realize the importance to keep a clean enviroment specially our hands, the ingredients have to be fresh, and consider the proteins, carbos, minerals, fats etc. We can start to feed with solids to our baby approx. when he turns 5 months, in this first food we need to give him vegetables one at a time, so he can feel the taste of each vegetable after a week we can give him fruits in a puree one at a time and then combinations.

Green Beans Puree:
Bring to boil to cups of water, when is boiling, place the
green beans in it, approx. a handful.(this is import
because if you put them in the water since the beginning
they can lose his nourishment properties) boil them for 5
minutes. Blend them with a little of the boiled water, drain them,
make them cool and is ready to eat. If you have left over you can keep it in your freezer, in the ice molde, you'll have approx. one serve per cube.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Baby's Development

Before starting to talk about the baby's development is importan to know what was he's Apgar score, but What is Apgar? Apgar is a test to check how well the baby is at the moment he was born, and his future potentials.This test rate the muscular tone (how soft or how tough his
muscles are) his reflex, the color of his skin, if he cried at the moment he was born etc, scores from 8 to 10 are showing that the baby is perfectly fine, scores from 5 to 7 shows some concern and it would be a good idea to take the baby to special programs of early stimulation, if the
baby's score is under 5, you should take the baby to an specialist as soon as possible. Be sure to give the baby a warm and secure enviroment, give him lots of love, make him listen to soft and relaxing music or sing for him, he enjoys listening to your voice, never get upset with him just remember he is only a baby and he counts on you to make it to the future.
Now we'll learn a bit about the baby's development month by month, his first days of his live he sleeps a lot, almost all the time, his only food is mom's milk or formula, and his movements are all reflex.
From 1 to 2 months:
Move his body with smooth and more control movements. Can take his chin up for a few seconds while he is face down. Has the palm grasp reflex ("hold"everything you place on his hand) Can follow with his eyes some objects in movement. Explore his arounds with his eyes. Move his head towards some sounds. His crying became more meaninfull, cries when is hungry,
when feels uncomfortable or when is scared. Cries if he is left alone, and stop if you pick him up. Make some specific noises when is happy. Can keep visual contact. He can soothe in front of a human face. He has a nice response when is hold. Can socially smile in front of familiar faces or voices specially his mom's.

From 2 to 3 months:
Has improved his smooth movements. Raise his chin for moments when he is face down. Control his head when you pick him up or is sitting with support. Discover his hands and fingers. Has more control of his body.Can start to sleep through the night.Can hit objects with his body. Follows objects moving his head from side to side. Better focus with his eyes but not more than 30 cm. Prefers colorful and bright objects. Cries less frecuently. Stutter, says gu gu, agu. He knows the difference between a masculine and feminine voice. Knows the difference between a friendly voice and an angry voice. Shows emotions like happiness, fearness etc. Shows discomfort when an adult leave him alone. Gets soothe when is hold, pick up, or if someone talk to
him.Answers to his mom's voice more than anybody's else. Smiles more frecuently to people who are near his mom. He has to feel first an object and then he'll accept it like a real one.

From 3 to 4 months:
the baby is alert, active and friendly. If he is lying on his side he can turn face down, can rotate from side to side.Can sit with support. Hold objects for a short period of time. Try to reach objects. Enjoys to touch objects. Keeps his head firm and straight. Can sleep throught the night. Smiles, babble and move to express pleasure. Laugh hard. Make one syllable sounds. Cries less than when he was 2 months. Cries differently when his mom leave him. Cries when left alone, usually stop crying when he sees and adult. Fascinated with new objects and activities.Very friendly with his mom and familiar people. If someone he knows smiles at him he answers smiling too. Can cry if someone he doesn't know picks him up. Keeps good visual contact with adults.Shows curiosity to his enviroment.

From 4 to 5 months:
The baby is active, playful and sociable. Turn from side to side. Elevate his chest supporting on his hands, when his face down. Sits with support for longer periods of time. Kicks strongly.Try to hold objects. Hold objects. Make noises with a rattle when one is place in his hand. Lead everything to his hands, so we need to be careful, don't leave anything dangerous, like plastics bags, o metal
things near him. Studies carefully everything that is place in his hands. He should sleep through the night.Focus clear with his eyes. Recognize his bolttle and is glad when he sees it's full. Is fascinated with his image in the mirror.Turn his head towards a familiar human voice.Smile and babbles when someone talks to him. Smiles and move when he plays and socialize with others. Looks for atention. Is interesting for everything that happens in his enviroment.Start to know that objects are real even if he doesn't touch it

.From 5 to 6 months:
Turn from face down to face up and viceversa. Raise his head very high when he is face down. Move very well his head from side to side. Sit without support for a few seconds. Hold objects but not so strongly. Can hold objects with both hands. Start to hold a cup. Plays with a rattle. Touch everything, and takes everything to his mouth. Teeth start to appear. Rise his hands to be pick up. Try to repeat and enjoyable event. Smile and babble to whom he knows. The baby shows fear, anger and frustration. Shows fear to strangers. Recognizes his parents and himself in the mirror.
From 6 to 9 months:
The baby rest on his elbows, can sit by himself for 30 seconds. Can reach objects with one hand. Pass objects from one hand to another. Start movements that will help him creep. Can hold objects between his thumb and index. Enjoys playing with rattles, balls and toys that makes
noises. Sleeps through the night. Enjoys playing with his food. Babble and make noises of one syllabe. Can recognize his name, and shows suddenly changes of moods. Great conexion with his mom. Shows conexion with dad, siblings and familiar people. Distinguish children from adults. Smile to other children. Shows fear to strangers. Turn face up from face down, start to creep. Sits by himself. Holds objects with both hands. Hold his weight with support while standing. Can show preference in the use of one of his hands.
Enjoys hitting and throwing objects. Start to repeat syllabes like ma ma da da mu mu. Can recognize his name, looks for atention. Start to understand the meaning of "no" for the tone of
voice. Watch the mouth of adults when they talk to him. Can shows sense of humor, can react strongly to strangers. Start to crowl. Try to stand up. Try to eat by himself. Understand the meaning of no, understand other words and simple orders. Enjoys games like cover and show the face.